Do you connect to animals that have passed over?

Yes. Whether your animal is alive or has passed, the technique I use to communicate with them is the same.

Does my animal need to be present for the read?

No. Your living animal doesn’t have to be present during the reading. However, it can be interesting sometimes if you can observe your animal when a reading is going on.

Do you want a photo of my animal?

No. If I am doing a reading on the phone or over Zoom it can be easier on my part if all I know about your animal is its name, whether they are male or female, what species they are, and whether they are alive or have passed.

Are you connecting telepathically to my pet?

Yes. Once I connect with your animal your animal can share information with me in several ways. I typically get images, feelings, sounds, and/or a sense of knowing.

What kind of QUESTION or questions should I ask my pet?

Your question or questions can pertain to anything. You can ask about behavioral issues, their life before living with you, concerns about how they passed over, or their opinion on a certain topic.