entomologist turned
animal communicator
Love at First Sight
The first time I saw an insect a bond of curiosity and compassion was created. I knew immediately that I wanted to work with insects. Growing up, it became apparent that I didn’t see insects the same way as others. In grade school, my classmates quickly learned that I was different. I was always standing up for insects and other animals. Whether it was convincing adults and kids that the insect I was holding was a baby ladybug and wouldn’t bite anyone, or that the snails covering the sidewalks shouldn’t be stepped on or thrown. My classmates quickly put me in the “she’s different” category and I was like “You bet I am”.

Ant Attack!
As a teenager, I had a butterfly with crumpled wings and a damaged tongue. I kept it safe and hand-fed it. During the warm summer nights, I would let it sit on my bedroom window screen and during the day it would hang out with me. One night I woke suddenly and got a clear message that the butterfly was in trouble. Sure enough, when I found it near the window screen, it was being attacked by ants. I was able to rescue it before the ants did major damage. Receiving a message from the butterfly didn’t amaze me because I already knew insects were amazing.
Chico’s Lesson
He was known to throw people, but he was having a good week. The horse-riding lesson started fine. My instructor, sister, and I rode our horses through their paces in the arena. During the lesson, I became aware of an emotion that wasn’t mine. I was aware of an anger that was slowly building. I asked my teacher if I could dismount Chico because he didn’t want me on his back. She said no. I remained calm and was gentle with the horse reins, hoping to calm him. But like a volcano waiting to burst, he exploded like a horse released from a bucking chute at a rodeo.
I never realized how unusual it was that I could sense Chico’s emotions that day, until decades later I told someone about the incident, and they were amazed I could feel a horse’s emotions.
Squirrel Humor
I had heard about people who could communicate with animals. I planned to try this with a squirrel who occasionally chewed the irrigation tubes in the fern grotto next to the pond. One day the opportunity arrived. The squirrel was just a few yards away from me. The moment I tried to communicate with it telepathically the squirrel stopped, and for a minute we stared into each other’s eyes, transfixed, as I visualized the desired outcome regarding the irrigation. The experience was amazing. However, the next day when I went into the grotto there were more holes in those tubes than ever before. More holes than a flute! Either I had done it wrong, or this squirrel had a sarcastic sense of humor, possibly both.
booted to The next phase
It would take a psychic to let me know I needed to pursue animal communication. But that wouldn’t happen until I had completed my master's degree in entomology, moved back home jobless and in debt, and a bit worse for wear. Ten years later my mom would book a session with a psychic, Susan Lynn, and Susan would say that I needed to pursue a career in animal communication. She said there were two teachers she knew would be good for me to learn from. Danielle MacKinnon was one of them and then she said she was not receiving the name of the other one. She took that as a sign. When my mom told me that I needed to pursue a career in animal communication we laughed because occasionally when I would get frustrated with life I would jokingly say, “Well, I am not coming back to this planet unless I get to communicate with animals”.
Within months I followed Susan’s advice and signed up for my first Soul Level Animal Communication class with Danielle.
entomologist turned animal communicator
The way Danielle taught the class was genius for my personality and brain. She had you doing things before you knew what you were doing. Anytime I thought “That sounds way out there, I can't do that” it turned out that yes, I can do that, I did it already, last week, with my homework partner. The further I got in the classes the more evidence and confidence I gained that I could do this and the realization that I had found a part of myself that I had been ignoring until now.